Biking Training
Better World, Bishkoreen, and Hariwan organizations participated in IOM biking project for women and girls from IDP, refugees, and hosting communities. The project objectives are to empower women and girls through sport activity, to advocate for the rights of women and girls especially in doing sport and riding bike, and to strengthen social cohesion among the host, IDPs, and refugees communities. The project contain of three stages; the first one is to train 100 women and girls on riding bike, second stage is to hold a marathon event that all 100 trained women and girls are gathered in one place to ride the bike in one time and together, and the third stage is the follow up activities after the event in which the women and girls continuously been gathered and to ride bike in a safe and friendly environment. In addition, in all three stages women and girls are to be involved in PSS and awareness activities.
Implemented Activities
During the period of 6 days from 20th to 26th June, 2018 the below activities conducted for 28 females from the age of 16 to 30 in Duhok Stadium:
Biking training was the main activity. An expert trainer trained the participants how to bike. The training started from 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM each day during the period of 6 days.
The team of three organizations Better World, Bishkoreen, and Hariwan managed and supervised the training in a cooperative and collaborative way. The team could create a friendly environment to the participants that encouraged them to participate in active and motivated manner.
In addition to the biking training, the management team conducted different PSS and awareness activities to the participants related to the subjects of (Self-awareness and self-confidence, the importance of sport for the health, rights of women, etc).
The team created a Viber group in which all the partciapnts are members and continuously they contact and share information among each other.
Before the day of event all the participants will be invited to the Stadium that they refresh their biking knowledge.
The participants will be rewarded with the certificate of participations due to their demand.
The participants will be involved and invited for other activities that the three organizations will conduct in next period. This will depend on the desire of participants.
First Biking Event
Under the slogan (Biking for women: Riding for peace, freedom and rights) Better World organization participated in organizing women biking event in coordination with IOM and a number of other NGOs for 100 females from refugees, IDPs and host community.
Round || Event
Under the Slogan of (Biking for women: Riding for peace, freedom and rights) IOM with Better World, Youth Speak International and other 9 local NGOs organized and conducted Biking Event Round II in September 6, 2018 in Bajlor Village, Duhok. More than 80 girls from IDPs and Host community participated in the event.
More events coming soon! Don’t miss up to participate in riding bike or attend to see the amazing events!